The keys of the wine tourist profile in Spain
How much does a wine tourist spend in Spain? More or less than a general tourist? How does he travel? With his partner, family or solo…?
The Report on Tourism Demand in Spain’s Wine Routes by the Spanish Association of Wine Cities (Acevin) is precisely looking for the profile of the enotourist. The data are very interesting to know their characteristics and interests and to know what to offer them.
The Spanish Association of Wine Cities (Acevin) has published a new Report on the Demand for Wine Tourism, carried out through the Tourist Observatory of the Wine Routes of Spain, the most useful analysis tool currently available to know the evolution of Spanish wine tourism. As on previous occasions, the study includes conclusions referring to the motivations for the trip; the organisation of the trip; the destinations chosen; the origin, age and professional and socio-demographic profile of the visitor; the level of satisfaction or average expenditure, among other indicators. The results are similar in many respects to those obtained in previous reports, although some differences can be observed. In addition, it should be noted that it was carried out using a new online survey methodology, promoted through the permanent campaign #ILoveEnoturismo. This campaign is active throughout the year and gives the possibility of opting for interesting prizes to enotourists who travel to any of the 25 Wine Routes in Spain.